
Ouat! Media, Movieola and and Joost Broadcasting Hotel Torgo

Since Toronto short film distributer extraordinaire Ouat! Media has aquired Hotel Torgo and Movieola has aquired broadcasting rights you can now view Hotel Torgo through Movieola the short film channel free of charge on Joost.

Greg Woods interviews Aaron Allard for Micro Film Magazine

Greg Woods interviewed Aaron Allard for the upcoming edition of US Magazine Micro-Film. We'll post a link to his interview and information on where to get the issue soon!

Hotel Torgo in the LA Times

Dan Neil talks Hotel Torgo in his article on Manos, Why We Love Bad Movies. Find it here.

Hotel Torgo in Entertainment Weekly

Entertainment Weekly's article The Worst Movie Ever Made
The long, strange journey of ''Manos: The Hands of Fate''
discusses Hotel Torgo, find it here...

Hotel Torgo: The Broken Pencil Review

Broken Pencil Editor James King's glowing review of Hotel Torgo can be found in this month's issue. King calls Hotel Torgo "an amazing short documentary" in the film's first Canadian review (the US has been on this for awhile!). Thanks BP